Future Workspace Need and Impact Studies
Research supporting the development of redundant buildings around town centres

Project Overview
The research was commissioned to assess the need, demand, and economic impact, associated with the development of redundant town centre buildings as managed highest-flexibility workspace for creative and professional start-ups, small businesses and coworking. Such buildings are often located in towns with a large rural hinterland of existing professional workers, often working in the creative and knowledge-based Industries.
The first part of our bespoke need and impact Study involves a highly detailed analysis of trends in businesses, employment and professional homeworkers and potential professional coworkers located within the ‘Catchment Area’ of the proposed workspace development. This analysis provided the evidence of demand for the proposed new workspace, including the typology (industry, occupation, size) of businesses and workers who were most likely to become patrons / clients, and the likely extent / scale of this demand.
The second part of the study establishes the economic impact of the proposed new workspace on the local economy. It shows the net additional impact of the proposed workspace on the local economy on key indicators such as employment / jobs, GVA and incomes (including supply chain impacts and net of deadweight, displacement, substitution, leakage).
The third, and final, part of the study undertakes a competitor analysis to establish the existing flexible workspace located in the catchment area of the proposed development site.