The Future of Work in Oxfordshire and South Oxfordshire

Research to inform planning for new homes in the UK in response to evolving patterns of work and trends in employment
Harrington Oxfordshire

Project Overview

When planning new developments in 2021, Summix felt that working patterns for many people in the UK had changed since the outbreak of the global pandemic, particularly remote-working, homeworking and coworking, and that it was therefore essential to understand further the nature and extent of these changes. Exploring the issues and associated implications was seen as fundamental to making sure a new development is planned in the most effective way possible, building the right homes in the right places, but also providing the necessary connectivity and amenities to fulfil people’s needs and encourage greater sustainability.

Recognising these requirements, Summix commissioned Smart Growth, in 2022, to undertake an extensive, unique and unprecedented major body of research to explore and understand the ‘Future of Work’ in the UK, incorporating homeworking and coworking. The core objective of the research was to better understand how those working in the industry, whether in the public or private sectors, can take an entirely evidence-based approach to inform and shape the design of future development. It was felt that this would improve the ability of the development sector to respond to people’s needs, but also crucially maximising, sustainably, the potential of the workforce.

Following successful completion of the research and submission of the Final Report in July 2022, a symposium was organised in November 2022 to present the findings to a wider audience which included leading representatives from Oxfordshire LEP and Buckinghamshire LEP, Councils in Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire and other developers and consultants.

The findings were well received, and it is hoped that businesses, policymakers, the development industry, and the wider public will find the research essential in re-thinking how we shape and design new development, making sure we can realise the huge environmental, social and economic opportunities on offer from the changes in working patterns we have witnessed over the past few years.

A copy of the associated report, ‘The Future of Work – Implications for local economic development and planning in the UK’, is available on request.

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